I have been working with IT for about 15 years, and only recently have I delved into software development. I don’t have a degree, but I do have a lot of willpower and I don’t back down from a challenge. I am self taught in the best sense of the words, and my main area of expertize is Linux systemadministration. I started my work as a sysadmin at the university, and I have never looked back. Sure I regretted my choice to not finish my degree, but we all have regrets. Looking to the past doesn’t help me, so I chose to move forward and learn as much as I can in Linux and maybe even some programming languages. I have even come to the point where Windows is somewhat alien to me and 80-90% of all my work is done on my Linux machine and the remaining is Windows. I work with all kinds of IT work, programming, support, projects, consulting and more.
I have ambitions like so many others. This could be running a marathon, be the top of your class or be a better developer. I am trying to fill in that last part by being a better developer. With this first blog I will do my best to fulfill those ambitions by becoming a better developer and problem solver. My choice of language is Python. Why choose Python you ask? Like so many others before me, I have chosen Python because it is easy to learn, easy to read and has a very large community that supports it’s development. Python also has many functionalities in businesses and is also very good for data science which is a field that I find highly interesting and so I have enrolled in many courses to help me learn how to analyze data and present it in a good way.
So why now? Why wait such a long time to start a blog. I guess I felt I wasn’t good enough to contribute to the internet or to anyone for that matter, but now I think I do. It will be a slow process to start with, but I am determined to get to a point where I am so good that I can start working as a software developer.
This blog will mainly be about my passion for software development and data science. So many times have I wanted to go down this path, and never took the step. Today I take that step, and tomorrow I will take the next one. My hope with this blog is to share with you what my challenges have been, how I have overcome them and where I am going in the future.
With those words, lets get started.